Posted: September 6, 2012 by TheTaitans in Uncategorized



Greetings. First and foremost, congratulations are in order. It’s been a long and arduous journey but you’ve finally reached the ultimate destination, joblessness.

Without a doubt, you all have had to overcome a myriad of challenges in your pursuit of academic excellence; the acres of microscopic mwakenya scripts, the adaptive hawk-eyed espionage skills acquired in the exam room, the telepathic exchange of questions and their respective answers, it would be a shame not to acknowledge these steadfast and dedicated efforts you have made in your quest to scale new heights in the field of academia.

As you relish this joyous reward for your tireless labour, take a moment to think through the moments that defined your life as a comrade. Cherish the reckless sexcapades and uninhibited intoxication. Remember the intense stone-teargas exchanges and subsequent free for all’s. Forget not the bland yet pocket friendly menu’s of the mess and the punitive bug-ridden beds in the halls of residence.

Look towards the future where good times abound. No assignments. No term papers. No endless projects and condescending know-it-all professors to contend with. Gone are the days of impromptu CAT’s and snooze inspiring lab classes.

Step into this new chapter of your lives with all the energy of your youth. Lord knows you’ll need it for the back breaking toil that awaits you. The truth is, there really aren’t enough jobs out there to accommodate all of you. Some of you will get fancy jobs in multinationals. Some of you will settle for the most frustrating paycheck on the table. Others will leave campus and go on to become persons of repute in the society while there are those who will simply waste away. It’s all out there for you.

So for today, dance the happy tunes with your folk. Pop the champagne and bring out the feast to commemorate this momentous occasion. Bathe in the sea of praise that will characterize the infinite speeches punctuated with repetitive anecdotes. Be happy.

But let no one cheat you, this ride is far from over. There will be plenty winding turns and sudden bumps. There are no signposts in this road. Just a lot of uncertainty. And bad instructors. But if you look closely, there should be a dim flicker of light at the very far end of the pitch black tunnel. Can’t see it? Well imagine it then because in these times one needs hope to keep going.

Otherwise, congratulations on making it to the real world. You should probably hit the ground running. Or as they say in these parts, hit the tarmac.



Cc.Camposanity’s Blog

#10 – For the most part, what others think doesn’t matter.
Ten years ago I was a 17 year old high school student who let the opinions of other people largely influence my choices.  It was a dumb way to live, considering that ten years later, those people whose opinions I held in such high regard aren’t even a part of my life anymore!

The times when someone else’s opinion of you truly matters are few and far between.  Think first
impressions, like meeting your significant other’s family, meeting a new client, or meeting a potential employer for a job interview.

Don’t let other people rent space in your head.  What they think of you isn’t important.  What matters most is how you feel about yourself.

#9 – Explore new hobbies and opportunities often.

When I cared about what other people might think about me, I never tried new things.  I was afraid that if I sucked at something, I’d be embarrassed.  To spare myself the embarrassment of being bad at something new, I would never explore opportunities to learn a new skill, or start a new hobby.

Looking back on it, I see it as lots of time lost!

Nowadays I’m always anxious to put myself out there and learn something new.  I sing, I enter contests,even though I suck at all of them.  I try new things as they come up, whether it’s a new restaurant, a new beer, or a new pastime.  When you try new things, you discover more and more things that you enjoy.

#8 – Nobody knows what you’re thinking unless you tell them.

People can’t read your mind.  This goes for your significant other, your employer, and that hot girl/man you’re too scared to talk to.

Ten years ago I was dating someone I no longer wanted to date.  I knew that I was unhappy in the relationship, but she didn’t.  Consequently, I waited and waited for things to improve, but they never did.  I want to scream at my young self: Well no shit things didn’t improve.  You never told her anything was wrong!

Relationships can’t improve unless you communicate.  This applies to your relationship with your employer also — if you’re working hard at your job and believe that you deserve a raise, you probably won’t get it unless you ask for it.

Simply put, your supervisor doesn’t know what you want.  Don’t wait for them to come to you, because your blood will boil over and you’ll end up quitting before it ever happens.  Ask to meet privately and spell it out for them!

As for that hot girl/man, if you don’t say anything before she/he walks out that door, then she’s/he going to walk out of your life forever having never known you.  Don’t let it happen.  Learn to communicate so people can know you.

#7 – Talk to everyone in the Office/street/church etc.
Why?  Networking.  When employers look for a good match for a job opening, the first thing they do is ask the people they’re already working with if they know someone who would do well in the position.  They tend to look through CV’s as a last resort.

College is the best opportunity you’ll ever have to build a complex, varied network of smart people.  Use it to your advantage and get your name out there, because grades mean nothing in the real world.

Also, live it up, because college is awesome.  Trust me when I tell you that after you’ve graduated, you’ll go through college withdrawal.  There’s a reason why so many people say it’s the best four years of your life.

#6 – Leave every job on good terms.
No matter how good it might feel to tell your boss to suck it right before storming out of a dead-end job forever, it is never worth it.  You will probably need another job someday, and you might just need some good references to get it.

Giving up all opportunities for future recommendations for one fleeting moment to tell your employer what you really think about them is a bad trade.  Give the required notice, and say thanks for the opportunity to work with them — even if it’s bullshit.

#5 – Pay your dues.
Even though you may have been hot in college, or at your last job, it will not grant you the slightest amount of entitlement in a new position for a new employer.  In many companies, you’re basically getting in line to wait your turn to move up the ladder, and it may take years to advance beyond positions of indentured servitude.

Stick to it.  Hopping from company to company looking for something “better” may allow you to get ahead in the short-term, but in the long-term your CV will become a mishmash of temporary stints that makes you look like a quitter.

In the end, persistence creates an impression of dedication and relevant experience — and it will outshine any other attribute, every time.

So take a look around.  If you’re absolutely certain you’re on the right career path, then stick to it.  Pay your dues.  Climb ladders.  It will be your turn soon enough.

#4 – Invest in yourself.
When you invest in yourself you can never lose.  This applies to everything:

Learn to cook.  You’ll save thousands on food in your lifetime.
Learn a foreign language.  You’ll expand your horizons and be easily employable.
Learn to spend less than you earn.  You’ll never be broke.

#3 – You can’t change anything by just sitting back and looking at it.
Change requires two things:  a conscious decision to accomplish something, and follow-through.  If you want something accomplished, then do it now.  If it can’t be done now, then do it today.  If it can’t be done today, then start it today.

Change is tough, but the most difficult step is getting started.  Of course once you’ve  actually started, the most difficult step is following through.  Change is tricky like that — but know that if you truly want it, you’ll find a way to create change in your life.

#2 – Expect people to be negative, especially if you’re carving your own path.
In all walks of life, you won’t see eye-to-eye with everyone.  People will come out of the woodwork to tell you that you’ll fail, tell you that you suck, laugh at you, argue with you, call you names, write you messages laced with profanity, and be altogether unpleasant.  As Tony Gazzo from Rocky put it, “Some guys, they just hate for no reason.”

The thing is, although it’s common to receive negativity from strangers, you’ll find that even the people you know and love can surprise you with negative attitudes. No matter who it is that’s trying to boo you off the stage, don’t let them succeed in doing so.

#1. Add yours here. Any word of advice. What have you learnt in this life?

…till we meet again

Posted: May 3, 2012 by TheTaitans in Events

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives ….Where we’re gonna be when we turn 25… I keep thinking times will never change…Keep on thinking things will always be the same… But when we leave this year we won’t be coming back… No more hanging out at wapewape cause we’re on a different track…And if you got something that you need to say,You better say it right now cause you don’t have another day,Cause we’re moving on and we can’t slow down….These memories are playing like a film without sound and I keep thinking of the night I Didn’t know much of love, but it came too soon and there was me and you, and then it got real blue Stay at home talkin’ on the telephone and We would get so excited, we’d get so scared Laughing at our selves thinking life’s not fair And this is how it feels… As we go on, we remember All the times we had together And as our lives change, from whatever We will still be, friends forever So if we get the big jobs and we make the big money When we look back now, will that joke still be funny? Will we still remember everything we learned in school? Still be trying to break every single rule……we will still be friends forever Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now? Can we survive it out there? Can we make it somehow? I guess I thought that this would never end And suddenly it’s like we’re women and men Will the past be a shadow that will follow us round? Will these memories fade when I leave this town I keep, I keep thinking that it’s not goodbye Keep on thinking it’s a time to fly…To all JKUAT-Taitans 2012

Taitans Digest second edition

Posted: April 9, 2012 by TheTaitans in Events

 >> Click here to go The Taitans Digest Blog <<

Three JKUAT students died on the spot and two were critically injured when the vehicle they were travelling in was involved in an accident at Thika town flyover. Thika OCPD Paul Leting said the 4am accident occurred when the driver of the vehicle which appeared to have been speeding lost control, veered off the road and hit a tree. All the students were said to be in third year at the university. It is yet to be established were the students where headed to.

Letting said the two survivors were initially rushed to Thika District Hospital before they were later transferred to Kenyatta National Hospital for specialised treatment. The police boss said two of those killed had been identified but the rest were not. He appealed to anyone who knows the victims or witnessed the accident to come forward and assist the police. “We are yet to identify the particulars of the other three victims, including one of the deceased, the owner of the fateful car Reg No. KBL 493S Toyota Fielder white in colour and its status,” the OCPD told the press in his office.

He urged drivers not to speed along the super highway. Letting told drivers not to seat behind the steering wheel if they had taken alcohol or were under substance/drug influence. Students, lecturers and the victims’ relatives jammed Thika police station to look at the car which was extensively damaged with some parts ripped off.

May their Souls R.I.P



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Coke Parties Rock crashes the White Party 2.0

Posted: March 4, 2012 by TheTaitans in Uncategorized


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Click here get to the Coca Cola Kenya page pics…


Posted: February 22, 2012 by TheTaitans in Events

Taitan’s Digest Magazine is born…..

Posted: February 22, 2012 by TheTaitans in Events

Taitans Digest is a club that aims at bringing together individuals who have a passion in writing. It also acts as a channel of communication within the Texas campus. The club publishes a bi-weekly magazine in which we feature creative writings…. sentiments….. among other issues that are of utmost concern to the ‘Taitans’ community. With time the club will grow with leaps and bounds and encompass a bigger society that is, feature colleges and other institutions around the coast province.

The club officials are listed as follows;

Ken Murithi -Chairperson

Frank Midega-Vice-chairperson, Magazine editor

Paul Kinyanjui–Secretary General

HenryMaina- Organising Secretary

Wilfred Kiarie-Finance Secretary

Lorna Kendi- External Affairs.

The club has about ten registered non-official members already and urging those interested to come join.

Other than publishing the club magazine, we also organize events and activities within and outside the campus.

The second issue will be due on 28th March,2012.

Some of the columns that will still be featured include MANTALK….GIRLTALK….. TECHNOLOGY…LAUGH YOUR HEAD OFF.

Send or post your comments and suggestions…

facebook group – TAITANS DIGEST
twitter – @taitans_digest
email –


Another Valentines in Texas

Posted: February 14, 2012 by TheTaitans in Living life
Looking for a mushy/lovey dovey/soft/way to start this post. Can’t seem to find any, which is a tad bit cold seeing as love is supposedly in the air(as if it isn’t always).which leads to the pressing issue of commercializing this day. I’m ok with Christmas being a money making venture, and takes cake for being the red month but February? C’mon…pay up the accumulated debts made in January.
So, anyway, it is valentine at the Tsavo as well…what even the plants here are in agreement. They are redgreen, which should be an equivalent of red (I think).They are positively glowing in Feb. And so are the couples in the East side of theTsavo (read TTC).
Anyone in a relationship here expects something on the big day. Those denying it are in denial to avoid disappointment on the day. Mainly because their single friends will want to know what they did on their day.
There is the type that is expecting presents and chocolates, teddy bears and flowers (Which reminds me, Juma, the guy who runs the tuck-shop, is selling flowers. He is giving some to ladies for free even J.Cheer up ladies, princecharming, will come to your rescue. He hands out candy as well.)Just thought I would add that. Feel free to smile at him; he might throw in a mango as well.
There is the single type…TGAV(The Girls Against Valentines)who make plans for the day,breakfast,brunch,lunch,swimming,dinner,dance and bitching about the day.This type is usually a group of single girls,mostlysingle,bitter from a relationship that isn’t working out or those whose boyfriends did not make any plans with them.
Finally, there is the group that sits around, fishing for gossip. Who took who out and who got dumped by who days before valentines. This type keeps tabs on people most part of the semester. This types, mostly includes dudes…sadly.
Then there is the first years who coupled up like the end of the world is in mid-March 2012.Crossing fingers on those ones.Gotta go back to keeping tabs on people. Happy hump Valentines people. Sheath for your peace of mind, or at least your mother’s.