Another Valentines in Texas

Posted: February 14, 2012 by TheTaitans in Living life
Looking for a mushy/lovey dovey/soft/way to start this post. Can’t seem to find any, which is a tad bit cold seeing as love is supposedly in the air(as if it isn’t always).which leads to the pressing issue of commercializing this day. I’m ok with Christmas being a money making venture, and takes cake for being the red month but February? C’mon…pay up the accumulated debts made in January.
So, anyway, it is valentine at the Tsavo as well…what even the plants here are in agreement. They are redgreen, which should be an equivalent of red (I think).They are positively glowing in Feb. And so are the couples in the East side of theTsavo (read TTC).
Anyone in a relationship here expects something on the big day. Those denying it are in denial to avoid disappointment on the day. Mainly because their single friends will want to know what they did on their day.
There is the type that is expecting presents and chocolates, teddy bears and flowers (Which reminds me, Juma, the guy who runs the tuck-shop, is selling flowers. He is giving some to ladies for free even J.Cheer up ladies, princecharming, will come to your rescue. He hands out candy as well.)Just thought I would add that. Feel free to smile at him; he might throw in a mango as well.
There is the single type…TGAV(The Girls Against Valentines)who make plans for the day,breakfast,brunch,lunch,swimming,dinner,dance and bitching about the day.This type is usually a group of single girls,mostlysingle,bitter from a relationship that isn’t working out or those whose boyfriends did not make any plans with them.
Finally, there is the group that sits around, fishing for gossip. Who took who out and who got dumped by who days before valentines. This type keeps tabs on people most part of the semester. This types, mostly includes dudes…sadly.
Then there is the first years who coupled up like the end of the world is in mid-March 2012.Crossing fingers on those ones.Gotta go back to keeping tabs on people. Happy hump Valentines people. Sheath for your peace of mind, or at least your mother’s.
  1. Krista says:

    Sarcastic much???? But I still like.

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